Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Readings, Exams, and Papers

Because the Club Rush wasn't when I thought it was going to be, I had to change the syllabus schedule somewhat.  I am going to try to get back by next Monday's class. It would help a lot if you could all  read Units V, VI, and VII of Dragons before the Monday, September 14 class session.  These chapters offer advice on how to approach college reading assignments, exams, and papers. If you were Polonius and trying to give advice to a son or daughter headed off to college, what bit of advice from these chapters would you be most likely to include? Why? [Remember: Polonius' advice usually sounds good, but it isn't necessarily all that helpful....though it might be!]


  1. If I was Polonius trying to give advice to a son or daughter headed off to college, I would tell them to keep school as their number one priority. If you keep school as your number one priority, choose to go to class every day and study when you need, to rather than party, you will at the very least pass the class. I would also tell them to read the book I was given freshman year by my IDL professor, Professor M.
    -Evan Brandner

  2. Stay vigilant mentally. To be alert means you take information in and give out at maximum efficiency, as such with lectures and reading material.
    -Jeff Hyke

  3. My advice would be to take notes during class and to be prepared. If you don't take notes then you are less likely to succeed.
    --Brianna Marnette

  4. I would tell them to remember that school is very important. I would tell them to take notes wisely. This means not everything the professor says but the key facts that you know will be on the test. An example is on the Constitution test I took you could tell just by the way the professor said it that it would be on the test.
    -Mitchell Holler

  5. I would tell them to make sure that they are showing up for class. College is expensive and there is no use going if you are going to waste money by not showing up and getting zeros. Education is important, some people have the drive for it and some don't.
    Jaeden Metcalf

  6. If I were Polonius and I was giving my child advice I would first say that school should be your number one priority. Education is very important. Communication between you and your professor is also just as important. In order to be successful in school you must apply yourself everyday.

    - Lexi Lockhart
